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STAGHOMEELEVATORSLLPD505 62d0ef086dcee900017ba640 Products
about Stag Home Elevators LLP

about our organization

With over 40 years of combined experience and expertise in the field of safety and vertical mobility. We at Stag provide state-of-the-art customized Home Lifts which are meant for children and senior citizens as safety is the highest priority for us. We deal with Residential Elevators, Cog Belt Home Elevators, Platform Lifts, Gearless Residential Lifts, and Hydraulic Home Elevators for small houses, villas, bungalows, pent houses, and High-end villas, across India. Our highly trained technical staff have reverse-engineered the most expensive elevators for affordable and safe human transportation in India. No Pit Our Home elevators do not require a pit of more than 150 to 250mm No Machine Room As per machine directive code, Machine room should never be placed inside the elevator shaft No AMC Our patented technology allows our client to feel absolutely safe without routine maintenance No Head Room Headroom is meant for commercial elevators. We require an FFL- Ceiling of only 2500mm No Government License No government license is required as we consume only single phase electricity power

    about Stag Home Elevators LLP

    With over 40 years of combined experience and expertise in the field of safety and vertical mobility. We at Stag provide state-of-the-art customized Home Lifts which are meant for children and senior citizens as safety is the highest priority for us. We deal with Residential Elevators, Cog Belt Home Elevators, Platform Lifts, Gearless Residential Lifts, and Hydraulic Home Elevators for small houses, villas, bungalows, pent houses, and High-end villas, across India. Our highly trained technical staff have reverse-engineered the most expensive elevators for affordable and safe human transportation in India. No Pit Our Home elevators do not require a pit of more than 150 to 250mm No Machine Room As per machine directive code, Machine room should never be placed inside the elevator shaft No AMC Our patented technology allows our client to feel absolutely safe without routine maintenance No Head Room Headroom is meant for commercial elevators. We require an FFL- Ceiling of only 2500mm No Government License No government license is required as we consume only single phase electricity power

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